Class 11/Economics/Introduction to Macroeconomics

The Note of Grade 11 “Economics” Chapter 6 “Introduction to Macroeconomics” goes like this…..
Chapter Overview:
- Macroeconomics:
Macroeconomic Variables - Concept of Open and Closed Economy
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Here are the link of other chapter’s notes of Economics-I.
1. Basic Concept of Economics and Allocation of Resources
2. Demand, Supply and Market Equilibrium
3. Elasticity of Demand and Supply
4. Consumer’s Behaviour
5. Theory of Production
6. Introduction to Macroeconomics
7. National Income Accounting
8.Money and Inflation
9. Economic Development, Growth and Capital Formation
10. Review of Nepalese Economy
11. Natural Resources of Nepal
12. Agriculture in Nepal
13. Manufacturing and Tourism Industry in Nepal
14. Transportation and Communication
15. Fundamental Concepts of Mathematics